New Years Resolution???

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Shameless Plug

Here is a video that I created in 2022 about New Years Resolutions and why they didn’t work for me. What better way to share this video than during this special time of the year.


Self Development

New Years Resolution

New Year New Me

Ok, let’s be real. This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to start a community on the internet. In fact, I first tried to launch a YouTube channel at the very end of 2021. Shameless plug… here’s one of my first videos from January 2022 if you want to check it out!

I wanted to start a YouTube channel because I was tired of what the platform was becoming. Maybe I’m showing my age, but when I first started using YouTube, it was all about tutorials and I loved it. I learned how to do my own makeup, how to style my hair, and even how to find plus-size clothing that didn’t look like it belonged to my grandma. It felt like a teaching space.

But these days, it seems like all social media platforms are more about ads and marketing than genuine content. That’s not the type of platform I wanted to be part of. I wanted a place where I could connect with others, network, and learn.

So, why did I stop? Why didn’t I become the change I wanted to see?

Truthfully, life happened. My husband and I got married during the pandemic. It was a tough time to search for houses, and our apartment wouldn’t let us leave our lease early. Everyone we knew started working from home, but my husband and I were deemed essential workers, so we never got a break. Searching for a house, furthering my education, and keeping up with everything else was overwhelming. I just couldn’t keep up.

Good news…We found our house at the end of 2022. I graduated in 2024, started a new job, and now work a hybrid schedule. All this to say, I finally have time to connect with all of you. I didn’t truly understand the value of time until I got some back for myself.

If you’re juggling being a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend, or anything in between, please give yourself some grace. I can finally focus on this blog because I’m filling my time with something meaningful to me: sharing my voice, building community, and holding myself accountable.

As much as I dislike attention, I realized that maybe starting a blog is a better fit for me than YouTube. Maybe it’s because I get to write out my thoughts before sharing them…something I wish others would do more often. Its a late start to the year and January is my birth month so I really do start the new year after my birthday, LOL.

So for now, I’ll leave you with this post, and hopefully give you some “poops and giggles” along the way. In the next post, I’ll share my reflection on the year 2024 and share what I hope 2025 will bring…it’s already started with a bang.

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